Illuminating Blockchain and Digital asserts in Nigeria

Mariblock is a blockchain and digital assets information company, providing in-depth analysis, research and insights into how the technology is driving economic advancement in Africa.

Our Mission

To provide the most in-depth and best quality information regarding blockchain and digital assets in Africa and ultimately expose millions of Africans to the life-changing innovations that the technology offers.

Our Vision

To become the de-facto source of information, research and data about how cryptocurrency and blockchain are shaping Africa.

Why Mariblock

Words from Forbes senior digital assets editor Michael Del Castillo best capture the need for a crypto media house dedicated to Africas.

There’s more crypto innovation [in Africa] than the reporters can handle … and outside media outlets aren’t taking the region seriously enough ... Source: ACJR

Many experts believe that crypto and blockchain can leapfrog Africa into the future, bringing it on par with the rest of the world.

Just as everywhere else across the world, media has an important role to play in the advancement of any ideology or innovation. Therefore, we believe that an elevated coverage of how digital assets is solving age-old problems on the continent can help unlock a new level of adoption
— for both institutions and consumers.

Meet the Team

Eseose Oseghale

Editorial Intern

Mary Emuekpere

Front-End Development Intern

Michael Del Castillo


Oluwaseun Adeyanju

Lead Editor

Sam Adeyemo

Junior Reporter

Shelma Ihim

Buisness Development Specialist

Contact us


[email protected]


[email protected]

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