World Mobile successfully completes telecom field tests in three African countries

The system used new technology different from the one deployed in Zanzibar, where it was originally launched.

World Mobile successfully completes telecom field tests in three African countries
Credit: World Mobile Group

World Mobile Group, a Cardano-based telecommunications company, has announced the successful completion of its field tests in Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria as part of its expansion plan to other African countries. 

The details 

  • This comes less than three weeks after World Mobile announced its commercial launch in Zanzibar, Tanzania. 
  • Per the company’s statement, it adopted new equipment to test its network in these three countries, as opposed to unlicensed and free-space optical transmitters, which it used to provide last mile connectivity in Zanzibar.
  • World Mobile used TV white space equipment, employing an unused spectrum in the TV broadcast band to deliver mobile network service in Kenya and Mozambique. 
  • In Nigeria, the technology piggybacked on satellite internet service provider, Starlink’s existing infrastructure to test its network coverage.  

Key quotes 

  • World Mobile’s CEO, Micky Watson commented on the new development: 
“We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of field tests in Kenya, Mozambique, and Nigeria, which mark a significant milestone in World Mobile's mission to connect the unconnected. These tests validate the feasibility and scalability of our DeWi technology, bringing us one step closer to providing affordable and reliable internet access to both rural and underserved areas worldwide.” 

What we know 

  • World Mobile Group is a telecommunications company that aims to utilize decentralized wireless technology (deWi) and a peer-to-peer network, to provide affordable last-mile internet to the unconnected in Africa. 
  • Unlike traditional mobile operators that provide mobile network through cell towers, World Mobile’s system uses privately-owned airnodes — hybrid mesh devices — to provide last-mile access to people in clusters over a specific area. 
  • World Mobile used unlicensed spectrums and free space optical transmitters in Tanzania, where it originally launched, to create a backhaul from which airnodes receive mobile network signals and transmit to their respective communities. 
  • Since these spectrums are unlicensed, the group saves on huge taxes and can therefore provide internet access at 50% less than the national average in Tanzania. 

What we don’t know 

  • World Mobile’s internet service is affordable in Tanzania because of the unlicensed free-space spectrums it uses to provide last-mile access. 
  • It remains uncertain whether the group's utilization of TV white space equipment and Starlink's infrastructure for testing its mobile network solution in these three countries would ultimately result in equally affordable internet services. 

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